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TJ Johnson Bugle March 2025

Writer: Dove Jazz ClubDove Jazz Club

will quickly be very much back in business with its exceptional programme of quality Jazz Music for 2025. No stone has remained unturned when it comes to seeking out the finest performers for your edification as you will be able to see from our list of Celebrity Musicians and Bands. It is very much a mixture of the tried and tested, with a sprinkling of one or two new faces along with a welcome return for a few old faces after a bit of an absence.

I am deeply saddened to inform you that in the New Year we have seen the passing of two of our  longest serving, loyal Club Stalwarts John Clarke and Martin Bennett. Both dearly valued friends lost their bravely borne, lengthy battles with Cancer on the same Saturday afternoon on the 11th January. John along with his wife June from Heague near Belper always took a keen interest in the Club and its activities hardly missing a Dove Gig until very recently due to his failing health, this  from our first one in the early nineties and certainly as I recall they visited all of our Twenty Five Festivals. Always sitting in their favourite seats on the old stage with a drop of real ale after what could be a hazardous journey from Heague in inclement weather with the prospect of a similar return trip. They frequently stated how much they loved their sojourns to Dove and we always appreciated their dedicated support and company. Martin Bennett served the cause of New Orleans Jazz with notable distinction both as a Tailgate Trombonist in probably one of the finest British Bands of all time, Dove Regulars 'Phil Mason's All Star Jazz Band,' also then as a Pianist and Bandleader with his own Bands namely the 'Old Green River Band' and the 'Swamplanders' not forgetting his Vocals, Skills as a Raconteur, Guest Appearances and Vast Knowledge of his Craft. His appearances in the Beer Tent, the place he told me he would like to end his days more than once, at the Dove Festival were Legendary. Martin and his wife Sue could often be seen in our audience greatly enjoying the music of other musicians. When the likes of John and Martin pass through the Departure Lounge it is a sad fact that their likes are not readily replaced and or lives are most certainly much the poorer for this fact. My thoughts, as I am sure that yours will be are very much with Sue and June along with their respective families. May you both Rest in Peace you will certainly not be forgotten.


Our Christmas Special on December the 14th last year with Jool's and his Jazzaholics appeared to be enjoyed by our slightly larger than usual appreciative audience of 'Jazz Supporters.' It was obvious from the first note of their Concert that the Band Personnel themselves were delighted to be returning to playing in the welcoming warm atmosphere of one of their most favourite of the numerous venues that they visit every year both in Great Britain and on the Continent. Regrettably their celebrated trombonist Rob Pearce was laid low by the Covid Virus that is still present in very small pockets in our midst. Jools needless to say pulled out all the stops to try and find competent a replacement, but at such short notice, understandably he found the task to be an impossible one. I am delighted, however, to be able to inform you that Richard Exall on reeds and Andy Henderson playing his trumpet blew their socks off to compensate for the missing bone on the front line ably assisted in no small measure by the endeavours of the other band personnel; Jim Swinnerton (string bass) Warren James (guitar and banjo) and Jools of course behind his drum kit. So once again the Christmas Special was a success with our members in spite of the slight problems. It goes without saying that the usual 'Complimentary Seasonal Goodies' sourced and procured by Barry were well received and eagerly dispatched by our Members in an orderly and dignified manner. We also managed to sell out our usual quota of thirty Butcher Burnham's Bespoke Seasonal Reindeer Flavoured Pork Pies without any 'Promotional Sales Banter' whatsoever! A rather surprising fact considering the large quantities of Seasonal food people must already have had in their homes.

Kindly best wishes     Roger


Dove Jazz Club c/o  Roger Marshall, 'Housesteads', Dove Holes, Near Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 8BG

Tel: 01298  814722  E mail:

Website designed and created by Daniel Jones

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