It is our pleasant duty once again to regale you with the news of the goings on at your friendly Dove Jazz Club situated 1000 feet above sea level in the scenic hills and dales of Derbyshire. We enjoyed an agreeable musical treat for our first ever Concert in August that appeared to gain the almost unanimous approval of all those present. This edition of the 'Bugle' contains the usual dubious details of the goings on at your Club presented as has become the norm with its somewhat tongue in cheek style.
It would greatly assist the cause of the Community Association and that of the Village Hall if you could please park neatly and avoid parking to the left hand side of the Village Hall where almost thirty local folk pay into the Hall's coffers to have a reserved parking space producing a valuable source of income to assist with keeping the doors of the Hall open and its wonderful facilities available for Jazz Performances amongst many other social and village events. By far the vast majority of you are playing your part in this exercise its just the odd one or two but of course these could be people making their first visit to the Club completely unaware of the parking arrangements.
The raising of funds becomes an ever increasing problem for those stalwarts who strive tirelessly to raise monies to help the Association and Village Hall survive in these difficult times. The increased cost of fuel is a particular worry for the organisation as its status means that it has to buy its gas and electricity through industrial tariffs. Not to mention the cost of the petrol and diesel to power the various mowers that keep its vast grassed areas neat and tidy.
As far as fund raising is concerned on the Jazz Club front our long term generous benefactors John and Anne Thorpe from the warmer climes of Osmaston on the borders of Ashbourne have kindly donated nearly 100 desireable C D's from their collection to sell at our jazz promotions. To this end I propose to put the C D's on display in the Village Hall's Lounge at our next three Concerts, for you all to browse through at your leisure, along with a 'Tip Jar' to deposit a small financial acknowledgement in should you feel the urge to add any of the Discs on offer to your own collections.
We do sincerely trust that as many of you as possible will be able to occupy a seat in our Hallowed Hall for at least a few of our future Concerts. This will greatly assist with keeping our jazz music alive and well and ensuring that this treasured product is available to as wide an audience as possible!
